Saturday, January 18, 2014

Well beyond 2013 kilometers in 2013.

One thousand, six hundred and five.  That is the total number of miles I covered in the year that was 2013.  I had a goal to run 2,013 km in the year 2013, and made it to 2,582 km. Smashed that goal, F yes I did.

For some runners, this would only be half of what they rack up in a years time.  For me though, it was a breakthrough year in terms of racing and mileage.  Partially as a mechanism to maintain my sanity, in 2011/2012 I started running more regularly and racing in some half marathons and 5k's.  Those were enjoyable, and I did pretty well in my age group, but I longed for more.  And, after a lifetime of being on dirt racing BMX, mountain bikes, and motocross, I wanted to be on the single-track trails more than pavement.  

My destiny was set into motion on a flight to London in early 2013.  On that flight I voraciously consumed the best running book ever - "Eat and Run" by Scott Jurek.  Soon after reading the book a second time, I signed up for my first ultra marathon in June 2013.  Black Hills South Dakota.  50 miles. 18,000+ feet of elevation change.  Prior to running my first 50 mile ultra, I had not ever run more than 16 miles at one time.  Jumping into ultras without the experience of high mileage on my legs turned out to be a bit naive - and yet life changing.   My friends and family thought I’d gone completely insane, but after surviving and finishing the very difficult Black HIlls 50 miler, I knew I was hooked on long distances.  

Some lessons learned from a year of exploring new boundaries:

* Your body really can do more than most people give it credit for.  It's the mind that creates a lot of the limits.
* Suffering is not always bad, however dark brown urine after tearing up your quads over 18,000 feet of elevation change IS bad.
* Nutrition matters.  Among other things this year, I discovered the magic of big salads with tempeh and lots of organic veggies.
* Don't be afraid to use a coach when it makes sense.  Thanks Amber, you rule.
* Scott Jurek was right - "sometimes you just do things"
* Life changes when you least expect it, and the more you fight it the more it hurts.  Embrace change, I'm still working on this one...
* Being a single dad with four kids and a demanding career provides plenty of excuses to not run far.  I choose to ignore the excuses.  Most of the time.
* The more you run, the better the beer tastes.

Embracing the suffering after finishing 4th at Lake Perry 50k.

Race highlights of my year:

Black Hills 50 miler age group win and 11th overall.  Black Hills Results

Age group win at North Face 50 mile in Wisconsin. North Face Results 

Lake Perry 50k age group win and 4th overall.  Lake Perry Results

Partial list of races run in 2013:
  • ·      Hy-Veee Drake 1/2 marathon
  • ·      Dam to Dam 20k
  • ·      Exile 1/2 marathon
  • ·      Black Hills 50 mile ultra
  • ·      Psycho Summer 50k ultra
  • ·      Nebraska Angry Goat 50k ultra
  • ·      Maffit 10 mile trail race
  • ·      North Face 50 mile ultra
  • ·      Capital City 10 miler
  • ·      Lake Perry 50k ultra

Finishing 1st place in my age group at the North Face 50 miler in my trusty Altra Lone Peaks

The rest of life.

While running and racing are a big part of my life, they are just one part.  Some of the other highlights/lowlights from 2013 include:

* Being officially diagnosed with Thalassemia (minor), yay.

* Finishing my second SharePoint book for Microsoft Press, YAY! 

* Getting a new family dog, Ollie the crazy German Shepard puppy (not sure yet if this is a highlight or lowlight, ha ha).

* Choosing to end my nearly 17 year career at Microsoft and move on to a new opportunity as a Principal Sales Engineer at  For those not in my industry, is the largest cloud-based customer management software and has been voted most innovative company in the U.S. three years in a row by Forbes Magazine.

* And last but not least, another year of (mostly) successfully single-parenting four great kids.  Among other fun things, they were treated to spring break trip in Florida, a week in the Badlands / Black Hills in July, followed by a post-Christmas cruise to Cozumel.  Yeah they are a little spoiled, but hey, they are good kids.  

Goals for 2014

No year-end wrap up would be complete without a mention of some goals for the upcoming year.  While I'm not big on New Year's resolutions, here are some high level things I am looking to accomplish in the upcoming year.

* 2,014 miles 

* Run a couple 100’s including the notoriously difficult Black Hills 100 ultra - and finish that one in less than 24 hours.  If I accomplish that, I will be in the top 10% of all finishers. Lofty goal perhaps, but what the hell.

* Position myself to become an Altra Ambassador in 2015.  I really wanted to get in their program this year, but I didn’t submit a nomination because I hadn’t been blogging.  Maybe I should have anyway; I love their shoes and wear them almost exclusively now.   There are several local runners who now wear Altras because of my relentless high praise of their Lone Peaks and other models.

* Age group wins at three ultras of 50k distance or greater.  Getting old has some benefits.  

* Appreciate the wisdom and knowledge that comes with being middle-aged; embrace what is possible, and discard what isn't.  

* Kick ass at my new job.

* Enjoy every beer and every slice of pizza like it's the last one I'll ever have.

* Run.  Far.

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